Sunday, April 23, 2017

Elsie, Cookie, driveway party

Michael was up at 6 AM for a very early tee time on Saturday (/422) while I followed at a much more leisurely pace at 7 :~).  For the third day in a row, Elsie was reclining on her perch:  

it's hard to believe my baby is 14 years old
While Elsie was reclining in the bedroom, Cookie was sacked out in the living room:

I got bean & barley soup in the crockpot:

beans & barley along with carrots/celery/onions & ham stock

(have to use up that ham stock) and out on the deck before heading downstairs to finally baste Sandy’s quilt:  

I got that all done and started to work on the program.  I’m using a new design which is kind of tricky, but eventually I got it all set up, my bobbins wound, and one row stitched out.  I got a step stool to put up the last 3 blocks of my patriotic quilt, and decided my design wall looked somewhat schizophrenic

then headed upstairs for our driveway party.  Several of our neighbors came by and we sat out in the beautiful weather, talking, eating and occasionally laughing.  

By 6 PM everyone had left and I parceled out the soup…most went to our across the street neighbors Anne & Bryce (some for their dinner that night and some in their freezer for the future)…a quart went to our next door neighbor Joe who thought he was coming down with a cold, and I kept one small single serving container for me (Michael does not like bean soup at all…his loss :~).  We both read for about an hour, then watched TV and worked on Michael’s secret project for Audrey a bit before bed.

1 comment:

  1. Maybe since the weather has gotten warmer - Elsie doesn't need the warmth from Cookie ! All quilt photos are wonderful !


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