Saturday, April 15, 2017

a student's artisan bread, more folding

One of my bread students (Linda Z) sent me a picture of her artisan bread...she said it tasted AWESOME and her hubby really liked it:

There’s no question that Friday (4/14) got away from me, due solely to my procrastination.  I got my regular chores done before SKYPE-ing with Janice at 9 AM.  We talked until just after 10 and the plan was to work on paperwork until NOON and then sew the rest of the day…..well, that didn’t happen because I have been dreading typing up the minutes for the new committee I have joined.  Doing the minutes for Scrap Happy Quilters is relatively easy-peasy.  Someone says something like “I’ll be teaching FMQ next week” and I write it down and that’s what I put in the minutes.  This new group is kind of a brainstorming group and I have no idea what to write down!  I don’t want to write down everything everyone says (I can’t possibly keep up with that as I am not a professional secretary with shorthand), and we didn’t seem to come to many (any?) conclusions during this first meeting.  I do have a list of tasks that people agreed to do…those were concrete things…everything else is so ephemeral.  So as a result….after talking with Janice I putzed on YOUTUBE for a bit, read some quilt blogs for a bit, read my book for a bit and finally, at 1 PM I FORCED myself to sit down and just try to write down something!!!  Well, guess what?  Instead BG and I started email-ing back and forth and back and forth.  In between writing, I tried to get the minutes done and finally….FINALLY at 2:30 PM they were done…and sent out…and I allowed myself to go back to quilting/sewing!  First up was firing up Miss Scarlett to try to get the last 5 rows done on our bed quilt.  That was not as easy as it sounds….the last time I was quilting, my computer got some updates and shut down my quilting program before I got the next row marked  :~(.  Now, this did not send me into a panic the way it might have in the past….I’ve had similar problems before, and have worked out ways to combat them…it just takes time.  I was quilting by just after 3 PM and I was itching to start something new (I know…when am I not?)  I started pulling out my patriotic fabrics and decided that the flat folds Mary Ann and I bought together (as well as some other patriotic I bought from Jan) were awkward and taking up too much room…so out came my 6 inch by 24 inch ruler and voila from this:  

to this:  

Pat came by for a bit to pick up tickets and we sat on the porch for an hour until Michael reminded me that we were supposed to be leaving for dinner!!  I hopped up and changed my clothes and we went to MAMA’s .  We haven’t been in FOREVER and it was totally yummy!  Michael had eggplant parmesan, while I had stuffed shells.  We both brought 1/2 of our dinners home (YAY, no cooking on Saturday) and when we got there, I ran downstairs and finished off the very last row of our bed quilt…YAYAYAY!!  

I putzed a little bit longer downstairs, but finally came up to snuggle and watch the end of the SPRING BAKING CHAMPIONSHIP.  Michael and I both felt that Adam should have won it, but Jordan did....oh well...

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