Monday, April 3, 2017

pancakes, bacon & Jan for breakfast, new fabric folding

We haven’t had pancakes for breakfast in awhile, so that was on tap (along with bacon) for breakfast Sunday morning (4/2).  I got one row of quilting done while Michael started the bacon: 

Then I headed upstairs to mix up the pancakes 

and call Jan to invite her for breakfast.  

We all had a good time at breakfast, then Michael did monthly maintenance on Jan’s golf cart before she headed off.  I headed downstairs to continue quilting until Pat came by for a visit…and to take a bunch of old luggage off of my hands.  They are always looking for luggage/totes for the kids at the children’s home, and George (Pat’s hubby) was heading down there Sunday afternoon.  By mid-afternoon the quilting was done:  

and I decided to put the video June sent me to good use:  

Look at how beautiful that fabric looks….

folded to exactly the same size…whether I had 4 yards of it, or just a yard….

I LOVE it….THANKS JUNE!!!!!  I can see all of the fabrics in the stacks…’s just perfect for someone like me with a touch (ok, ok, more than a touch) of OCD!  It makes me want to buy even more fabric….just so that I can perfectly stack it up :~).  

my fabric for queen sized hidden wells....I need one more fabric!

I headed upstairs at 7:30 PM to eat popcorn with my honey and watch a NORTHERN EXPOSURE and 2 of our special shows AS TIME GOES BY before heading to bed.

BG send me a picture of her finished Cardinal top:

It is SO beautiful....I just love it!  She's wanted a Christmas quilt forever and here it all done.

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