Monday, April 10, 2017

new golf pouch, bed quilt basted

We had breakfast together on Sunday (4/9), then Michael took off for a walk with Cookie, while I headed downstairs to work on a new golf pouch.  Michael has had a range finder for many years, and when he first got it, he asked me to make a pouch for it so that he could carry it on his belt.  Each time I have re-made this pouch I have refined the directions.  His is totally worn, so he asked me a few days ago to make him a new one…so he went from this:  

to this:  

Pretty cool, huh?  He really does use it until it is TOTALLY worn out....he said it is hard to believe that the old one started out like the new one…they don’t even look the same color!  It also gave me a chance to take a picture of him in one of his new MASTERS shirts:  

After that, I got a little bit of basting done on our bed quilt, 

while he was looking at his emails.  We had a quick SKYPE session with Marc & Kate & Audrey (she is JUST as adorable as ever!) and talked about visiting at the end of May or beginning of June.  After that we continued to work on stuff downstairs and watched a bit of TV.  I taped a new show called BROCKMIRE, mostly because it stars Hank Azaria and I really like him.  From the description I thought the show might be for Michael, but we watched one while we were down there and we both LOVED it!  I can’t wait to see more episodes.  Anyway, we left at 1 PM for the Actor’s Theatre production of STUPID !@#$% BIRD.  The write up for the play follows: 

In this irreverent, contemporary, and very funny remix of Chekhov's "The Seagull", Aaron Posner stages a timeless battle between young and old, past and present, in search of the true meaning of it all.  An aspiring young director rampages against the art created by his mother's generation. A nubile young actress wrestles with an aging Hollywood star for the affections of a renowned novelist. And everyone discovers just how disappointing love, art, and growing up can be.

It really is amazing that a play written over 100 years ago is just as relevant today.  We stayed for the “talk back” afterwards and it was interesting to hear what the actors had to say about the play and about how their roles evolved.  We didn’t get home until just after 7 PM and I ran to ARBY’s for fish sandwiches for dinner (we were both STARVING!)  Michael settled in to watch innumerable hours of coverage for The Masters, while I headed downstairs to baste our bed quilt.  By 9:30 I was done (this quilt is HUGE!!)

and I headed upstairs to sit and read my book until bedtime.

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