Monday, April 24, 2017


I made a new yeast-ed waffle batter (out of the LOST RECIPES cookbook by Marion Cunningham) Saturday’s supposed to sit on the counter overnight...making it ready for breakfast on Sunday (4/23).  The batter was SO THIN, but every single waffle came out very crispy…unlike other waffle batters where only the first waffle out of the iron is really crispy.  

with cinnamon/sugar topping, no syrup for me!

Michael is reserving judgment on whether or not we keep this recipe until after he reheats the leftovers:  

After that I headed to my studio, determined to make good progress on Sandy’s quilt.  Each row takes a long time to stitch out, and one bobbin runs out about 3/4 of the way across each row…so it was kind of slow going.  Michael headed out to 2 more LOWE’s and one HOME DEPOT to look for fans with no luck  :~(.  Then he came home to find that our microwave had died  :~(.  Guess we’ll have to start shopping for one of those as well.  Anyway, by 7 PM the quilting was complete on Sandy’s quilt:

I was downstairs until 9 PM getting the quilt off of the frame, hiding all of the bobbin ends and ripping out the basting…but I finally headed up to watch just a bit of TV before the end of the night.

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