Friday, April 7, 2017

The MASTERS, food and show and tell at SHQ,

Michael was up at 6 AM again on Thursday (4/6) and Harold picked him up at 7 AM to head off to Augusta!!!!  I headed to the kitchen to make a new recipe from Paula called “Hot Chicken Salad”.  I really didn’t want to make it as my foot has been hurting so very badly, but I told myself that I had all of the ingredients already and I just needed to suck it up and get on with it.  This chicken salad is supposed to be made in a casserole dish and served over lettuce, but you know me…I wrapped it up in dough!  I also added some rosemary to the salad, and sprinkled the dough with a tiny bit of cinnamon.  It must have been good….I came home with nary a crumb!  

before baking

and after...

Quilting show and tell was awesome (as usual)…several people had already finished their Convergence tops (that was the class we had last week):  

When we had charity day last, I provided the fabric for a quilt top we all put together.  Robin added borders and Jerry & Loree quilted it:

Here's a good picture of the Quilt of Valor I just quilted for Mary Ann:

And even more show & tell:

June with her picture piecing...

Jeanne's table runner

Susie's quilt called "Kiss my Grits"!

I worked for a bit on a Sterling School quilt….I have 3 more seams to add rows (the blocks are all sewn together and ironed) and it will be done!!!  YAY!!!  Time to think about a new project!  As today was the first Thursday of the month, we had our usual pot luck fare…..everything was SO VERY GOOD!!!!  

to die for mac & cheese!

one of those eclair cakes

So….I finally caved on my foot.  It has been hurting SO VERY BADLY and making me SO VERY TIRED….a fellow quilter kindly loaned me her phone and I made an appointment with the foot doc.  I headed there after quilting for my 2 PM appointment.  Now….I am here to tell you that getting shots in your foot is no picnic.  I think I have a fairly high pain threshold (so I have been told anyway), so the doctor gives you a numbing shot first.  And he says that most people say the numbing shot hurts worse than the cortisone shot.  You know how the dentist sticks novacaine in, in one place, then moves the needle around?  Well, same thing with the foot doc.  He stuck that needle in and it was really bad, then after 15 seconds he moved it…and I screamed!  I didn’t know I was going to scream, but it just leapt out of me….and the tears just rushed to my eyes.  This shot takes a full 60 seconds to go in…so that was not pleasant AT ALL.  Then he gives me the cortisone shot…it hurt…but at least I didn’t scream.  I barely got out of the office before I started crying again…but at least by the time I got home I had calmed down.  He also gave me a prescription for anti-inflammatories, but asked me to wait until Sunday to fill it to give the cortisone a chance to work.  I came home and put my foot up and read my book for a bit.  Ken & Dave continued to work on framing the deck…when they left they said they wouldn’t be back until Tuesday.  

Pat M came by to drop off a quilt for me to do, plus I picked up another customer quilt at quilting.  Finally at 5:30 I felt like I had some energy again and I headed downstairs.  First up?  Weaving in all of the ends on the CT Rainbow quilt (I got it trimmed at quilting), then placing it on the dreaded “to be bound” pile:  

After that I kind of putzed around and cleaned a few things until I came upstairs around 7 PM to finally get a little nosh.  Of course my babies were huddled up together:

Michael got home at 7:30 PM, and he was flying....very happy!!!  We sat down and he told me all about his day.  He said it was fun, big, exciting, with lots of crowds.  He said that from a golfer’s point of view, the conditions were IMMACULATE, the grass was like a densely woven carpet, perfect everywhere, and that it is much hillier than it appears on TV.  Harold wanted to leave a bit earlier....but Michael asked if they could stay until 3 more groups came in so that he could tell me he saw my favorite guy...Freddie (my love) Couples :~).  He had a wonderful day (except for the wind) and he came home with a long sleeved t-shirt and a short sleeved golf shirt for his souvenirs.  We both sat and read our books for over an hour before watching just a bit of TV before bed.

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