Thursday, April 20, 2017

Thursday quilt top

I spent Wednesday morning (4/19) getting some chores out of the way before SKYPE-ing with Janice at 9 AM.  Wanna know the best thing about SKYPE-ing this week?  As Janice said “we won’t be SKYPE-ing next week….we’ll be hugging instead!!!!!!!!!"  She and Dennis will be here next week….WHOO HOO!!!  Michael and I are part of their whirlwind tour of the south, seeing old friends and scoping out potential places to move to, hopefully sometime next year!!!!!  After that I spent 2 hours typing up and sending out minutes for the lifestyle committee and the Machine Embroidery club, while Michael spent all of that time looking at fans on the internet.  It is time for us to settle on and purchase fans for our new deck.  He found a couple of possibilities, and we took those thoughts and headed to Lowe’s to see some in person.  Unfortunately, they didn’t have a great selection at the store, so after buying dirt, tomato and thyme plants, we headed home.  I finally got the quilt ironed (and labeled with the size) that I had completed during Thursdays at Scrap Happy Quilters (the pattern is Disappearing Pinwheel #5):  

It has now joined my 7 other quilt tops on the guest room bed (which will definitely have to move by next Wednesday).  It was Easter leftovers again for dinner before heading out to Fort Mill Playhouse for a meeting on membership.  We were home by 8:30 and I spent the rest of the evening cutting out fabric for a new project to be worked on, on Thursdays.  On Tuesday we had our skylights cut into our deck roof, 

and yesterday the electrician came to wire everything up:

1 comment:

  1. I wonder if Janice has room in her suitcase for me ?! ;) WOW - skylights too ?! It's going to be awesome. Rainbow quilt is wonderful ! someone in my wed night sewing is making one as well....


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