Monday, August 31, 2020

waffles, new embroidery

  Current US COVID-19 deaths:  187.227

    Yesterday:  186,874


It was waffles and bacon in the Devo household Sunday morning (8/30):  

Michael said the waffles melt-in-your-mouth!
  I think it's been awhile since I made this recipe (it's his favorite) and they really were particularly light!  Then (as usual), he said he would clean up the kitchen and put everything away so that I could dive into my crafts!  

The day was sunny with not even a hint of rain, so I finished off the quilting on the tree skirt first thing:  

I spent the rest of the day working on my string blocks, but also managed to get one embroidery done:  

I found out I mis-counted my string blocks and need to cut and make 13 more  :~(.  Oh well….that’s why I am giving myself until Oct 1st…right?  If I get done sooner than that…well, it’s all good!  

Michael headed out to our bluebird house in the afternoon…there was definitely a nest with feathers:  

Somehow we missed seeing the babies this year….and we missed them last year because we were in Tahiti!  Better luck next year.  

We both had salads for dinner and I worked a bit longer in the studio after that before joining my honey for some TV.


  1. keeping ham and pickle a secret, eh?

  2. Waffles look YUM-OH ! Nice quilt design on the tree skirt !
    What color thread did you use ?


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