Thursday, August 27, 2020

gas housers, Pat, Cookie, library project starts

  Current US COVID-19 deaths:  183,677

    Yesterday:  182.421


My honey was up at 6 AM for golf on Wednesday (8/26) and after a reasonably good night’s sleep, I was up by 6:30 :~).  He left for golf after making perfect gas houser eggs: 

and I got emails/blog/whatever done before SKYPE-ing with Janice at 9 AM.  She gave me a really good perspective on getting my knee done this year.  She said with her first baby, it was really hard for the first 6 weeks partially because she was fighting what was happening and wondering when it would be over and they could all settle into some sort of routine.  With her second baby, she knew things would be up in the air for at least 6 – 7 weeks, so was in a much better frame of mind, knowing that things would probably settle down again in something close to that same time frame.  That feels true to me…..I had no idea when I would be able to do things I wanted to do with my hip, and it was irritating/frustrating not to know that.  I know recuperating from a knee replacement will be harder/longer/more painful but still, by 8 weeks I should be well on my way to being able to do almost everything I want.  I think that put me in a much better frame of mind, and nudged me closer to getting it done later this year  :~).  

Loree texted just after Janice and I were done, offering up a bit more of her garden produce to me and Paula….so Paula and I both wolfed down some breakfast (we discovered neither one of us had eaten while talking on the phone, so decided we’d leave at 11:30…giving us both time for breakfast) before taking off.  

Funny story, I KNOW if given her druthers, Paula would always rather drive when we are going somewhere.  So, I was assuming she was driving.  I left my house a bit early and started walking to hers.  I noticed that her big black SUV was not in the driveway, instead there was a white sedan.  I assumed hers was in the shop and she had gotten a ‘loaner’.  As I got closer, I realized it was not in her driveway, it was in the neighbor’s driveway!  So, I got out my phone and called and said ‘bad news, I don’t have a car and assumed you were driving, but you don’t have a car either!!’  She said she was just getting ready to step outside and wait for me at the curb when she heard the phone ring.  Luckily, she and Doug have a seldom used car in the garage, so we were off.  It was very pleasant sitting socially distantly on the patio, chatting with Loree and Reg.  

As I walked through the door home once again, Pat gave me a call to see if she could come over and show me her new fabric.  Her daughter had given her a gift certificate to SEW MUCH FUN, so she found a new purse pattern, and gorgeous fabric to make it out of:  

We chatted for a bit before she left and I headed downstairs.  

I worked until dinnertime, and Michael joined me when he got home from golf.  Cookie came down and decided to snuggle in....she looked SO CUTE:

I made a great start on cutting out fabric for the new project.  I got also 2 embroideries sewn:  

and a test setting block: 

before quitting for the evening.  Once again, Loree gave us a cantaloupe and gorgeous garden tomatoes, so I made ONE POT PASTA for dinner (which we haven't had in probably a was YUMMY).  Of course it always look gorgeous in the skillet before you start cooking, and OF COURSE I neglected to take a pic.  I am a TERRIBLE blogger sometimes  :~).

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