Wednesday, August 19, 2020

customer quilt done, Lucy, folded pineapple quilt

 Current US COVID-19 deaths:  175,092

    Yesterday:  173,778


And from horrible to wonderful….my sleep Monday night was EXCELLENT!!!  I woke up feeling wonderful Tuesday morning (8/18), and after getting all of my regular stuff done in the morning, I fired up XENA once again.  I worked on quilting all day, with my faithful companion Lucy (I just can’t stop taking these pictures….she always looks so very sweet):  

My honey even made and delivered breakfast to me to make sure I wouldn’t be distracted:  

By dinnertime, the quilt was done:  

Michael left for a golf meeting and I got to SKYPE with BG for 1-1/2 hours....that was TERRIFIC.  Once he got home, he just had yoghurt for dinner (big lunch) and I had leftover pizza before settling in for a quiet night.  

Before we left Connecticut, I gave away several quilts I had made.  Ann & Don have enjoyed my 3-D folded pineapple large wall hanging for 14 years, but have recently downsized and no longer have any place to display it.  Ann asked if I wanted it returned, so I said yes…..I already have a place in mind for this quilt (which I quilted myself with irridescent thread!!):


Could someone PLEASE explain this to me?  

In a press conference, talking about Kamala Harris, Trump says ‘’ Plus, she 

was very, very nasty to...probably nastier than even Pocahontas, very 

disrespectful to Joe Biden...  

Does Trump know something about Pocahontas that no one else knows???  When you think of nasty people, is it Pocahontas who comes to mind?  Is he just a whack-a-doodle????


  1. He is referring to Elizabeth Warren when he says Pocahontas. The Tangerine Turd hates strong women,

  2. Yes - a wack-a-doodle sounds about right.



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