Thursday, August 6, 2020

embroidery, Lucy, deer

My honey has been hopping up every morning for almost 4 weeks to take Cookie out, so I was thrilled when I woke up first on Wednesday morning (8/5) and slowly and carefully got to take the dog out.  I blocked off access to the bedroom so that she wouldn’t disturb Michael and I was very glad he got a chance to sleep in.  

For some reason by 9:30 AM I felt tired, so I took a nap.  That is one thing I decided with this surgery…that whenever I felt tired…I would take a nap.  I would not feel guilty or lazy (2 thoughts that would generally go through my mind in any other situation), I would just rest and realize that it was healing time.  But I was surprised that I didn’t wake up until 11 AM!!!  

I had a quick breakfast and headed to my studio to get out my blog (which Paula tells me is #200 for this year!)  After that I worked on a quilt gift.  A neighbor is having her first grandchild….a girl…and I had a baby quilt top already made.  So, I embroidered her nickname on it: 

and got the back fleece loaded up for quilting:  

I have a customer with a quilt ready to go, but I asked her if I could do this baby quilt first.  After not using my machine for over 4 weeks, I wanted to make sure I still remembered what I was supposed to do, and figured if any mistakes were made…I wanted them made on my own quilt and not a customer’s  :~).  

I had company inside while I worked:  

and a brief visit outside as well:  

Michael had a 3:30 PM tee off time with a friend, so I headed upstairs to knit and watch a bit of TV while he was gone. 

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