Saturday, August 15, 2020

Lucy, Papa Murphy's, Loree's iris

 Current US COVID-19 deaths:  171,568

    Yesterday:  170,468


I was exhausted and in bed really early Thursday night, but that just meant that I was awake at 3 AM Friday morning (8/14) and couldn’t really get back to sleep.  That’s ok…..I’m hoping it’s just a one night thing.  

Michael headed out on a bunch of errands (delivering the baby quilt, the liquor store, LOWE’s for a new toilet handle, PAPA MURPHY’s, GOODWILL, grocery store) while once again I was sucked into reading those darn books!!!  I’m on book 3 now….I will really be sad when this series comes to an end (author Janet Dawson…the Jeri Howard series)!!!  I initially got books 1 - 5 free for my KINDLE, and was excited to get an email today telling me I could get books 6 - 9 free as well....SCORE!!!!!!  Finally around 11 AM I made it downstairs to get out my blog and putz around my studio....loving on my Lucy while I was working:

And that’s all I did all afternoon!!!!!  We had PAPA MURPHY’s pizza for dinner:

and watched ON THE TOWN (Gene Kelly & Frank Sinatra) in the evening.


And look at this absolutely GORGEOUS iris from Loree's yard….just STUNNING:

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