Tuesday, August 25, 2020

breakfast, art dog, AJ

 Current US COVID-19 deaths:  181,226

    Yesterday:  180,605


Michael left early for golf on Monday (8/24), so I had to make my own egg/cheese/toast :~):  

You know, in a sense, it’s really nice not to have to go anywhere (or as one of my fellow bloggers put it.....it's nice not having to run around like my hair's on fire!!)  I am really enjoying sitting in my living room, drinking my tea and reading my emails and doing my ‘brain games’ for a couple of relaxing hours in the morning!  But eventually I got up and headed to the studio and got the tree skirt basted:  

Paula called and had a couple of errands to run, so we tooled around in the golf cart for an hour!  One of our stops was the library to see how construction for the new addition was coming along....and our art dog was right in style with what's going on in the country:

By the time I got home, it was time to SKPE with Marc/Kate/AJ for another hour.  We had a nice salad: 

and yummy pierogis (which I forgot to take a picture of!!) for dinner, after which Michel watched a bit of TV and I headed back to my studio to study some embroideries for a project I want to complete.

And some cuteness entitled 'communing with nature':

1 comment:

  1. That egg cheese toast looks delicious! The art dog looks like it adopted itself to the “new normal.” I always look at Painting and Handicrafts blogs as a relaxing way to look at life. It helps with establishing the fact that we are the creators of our destinies. The write-ups about these crafts are an evidence of our creative minds.


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