Sunday, August 23, 2020

tree skirt, top finished?

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Michael got to sleep in just a bit on Saturday (8/23) before his tee time, and after a kind of rough night, I managed to fall asleep for an hour between 7 AM and 8 AM so that made me feel much better!  I made a quick trip to the bank to cash a check at 9 AM.  I figured that was a safe first foray into driving after a 6 week hiatus…..only SCCL roads, and then the shopping center parking lot :~).  I worked on my blog when I got home before having a bit of breakfast, and doing intake on another quilt.  Julie has done a second tree skirt; she sent me pictures of the first tree skirt that is totally finished (I’m ashamed to say that mine are still unbound  :~(.  

I worked on getting blocks sewn together, and by the time Michael got home (with an 84....guess his small slump is over!!) I had a semi-finished top:

I say semi-finished because I need some opinions.  This is all the pattern calls for…should I leave it like this, with a black binding, or should I add borders?  I’ll tell you, if I do add borders, I don’t like a border that also touches it self at the edge of the quilt….so the only color that doesn’t do that is the yellow….so I’d do a smaller yellow border, and then a black border.  Please give me your opinions on borders…yes or no….or whatever else you care to suggest.

Michael finally ate the last of the tomato pie for dinner, while I had a hot dog before relaxing in the evening.


  1. Yellow border then bind in black. Cheers for your first time back driving.

  2. How much bigger do you want it? I think just a binding would be good, I like it as it is. I think a border on it would look like an add on instead of part of the quilt.

  3. I like it as is, without a border.

  4. I’d go yellow black to flush it out.oops flesh it out!



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