Saturday, August 29, 2020

beginning library layout, weaving meeting, steak dinner

  Current US COVID-19 deaths:  185,985

    Yesterday:  184,927


Michael took Cookie for a walk first thing Friday morning (8/28), while I headed downstairs to get my blog out and dive back into my new project :~).   There’s NOTHING like a new project to get you fired up about quilting again  :~).  When he got home, he made me the standard egg/cheese/toast:  

so that I could continue working.  By the time I left for a mini-weaving meeting at 1 PM, I had completed 8 string blocks and got them all trimmed (it is amazing what a difference trimming makes!): 

And I got my so far completed embroideries and strings up on the wall (so you can see how the string blocks will go together): 

I had a WONDERFUL time with Pam and Rosalie: 

and we never stopped talking even once!  Rosalie brought her inkle loom, which I had never seen:

I left home around 1 PM and didn’t get home until 5.  One other kind of neat thing....Pam made her own marachino cherries, and insisted we try them....they were quite good:

The golf club had a special on rib eye steaks (the only kind of steak I’ve ever liked), so Michael headed up there to pick up our dinner:  

I headed back to the studio after dinner and got one more embroidery done:

1 comment:

  1. Those embroideries are perfect for a library quilt. Can't wait to see how it comes together.


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