Friday, August 7, 2020

baby quilt basted

 Current US COVID-19 deaths:  162,836


I had a rough night Wednesday night, so was not too perky Thursday morning (8/6).  Maybe it was due to the fact that this is the first night I didn’t take a pain pill…I don’t know…but I feel like my leg has regressed a bit and is back to where it was after the ‘snap/crackle/pop’ episode.  Once again, I can’t really lift my right leg off of the floor….which would make it impossible for me to drive.  

It’s bringing me down a bit, but on the bright side I did make it to my studio on my own and even managed to carry my own tea down the stairs  :~).  Michael headed out for a walk with Cookie and came home drenched (due to the heat/humidity)!!!  I started to load up the baby quilt:  

and my honey made and delivered a terrific breakfast:  

I got the quilt program set up on the computer….but just couldn’t get much else going for the rest of the day....although I did enjoy my Lucy baby while watching TV:

My honey and I had salads and leftover tomato pie for dinner (and I swear it tasted even better than it did when it was first made) before relaxing with the boob tube!  We had a wonderful time watching EASTER PARADE before heading off to bed.

Michael picked a new bunch of hydrangeas and got some good butterfly pics from our zinnias:

1 comment:

  1. WOW! Those are terrific close up butterfly pics! Sorry your hip is giving you so much trouble. Do you have a thermos that you could put your tea in so that it would be easier to carry with no worry of it spilling?



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