Thursday, August 20, 2020

an Arizona Mary stunner!!

 Current US COVID-19 deaths:  176, 377

    Yesterday:  175,092


Thank you to all who wrote to inform me that Pocahontas is Trump’s nickname for Elizabeth Warren.  Yes, I do know that, but no, I do not accept it.  If I assume that’s what he meant, to me that means I am accepting/acknowledging his truly childish habit of negatively labeling anyone who doesn’t kiss his you-know-what (especially when it is a strong, intelligent woman).  And I am NOT going to do that, I am NOT going to accept his labels.  Why did you assume he meant Elizabeth Warren?  Because (in a sense) you are accepting his labeling!!!  I'm really trying to get you to think about this.  So, to me.....Pocahontas is Pocahontas….get on board people and stop accepting/understanding his truly reprehensible behavior.  And why don't the journalists ever call him on this stuff?!?!!?  PS - and thanks also to the people who wrote to say 'yes, he's just a whack-a-doodle'!!

Another good night’s sleep… much so that I was up well before 7 AM on Wednesday morning (8/19).  I got my emails done and got my blog out and even started to clean up the customer quilt a bit before SKYPE-ing with Janice at 9 AM.  

So, when Paula took me for a doctor’s appointment on Monday, it was a biopsy for breast cancer.  I didn’t put that in the blog because I was convinced it was benign, and didn’t want people to worry.  I got the call this morning that is IS benign, for which I am, of course, very grateful.  The most interesting thing to me is, they inserted a teeny, tiny titaniaum ‘marker’ into the mass in my left breast, so that when it shows up on future mammograms, the radiologist will know it has already been biopsied……how cool is that!?  

I finished up cleaning up my customer quilt in the afternoon, before heading upstairs for a nap.  I knew it was a mistake (I’m sure it contributes in a big way to my problems sleeping overnight), but sometimes I just can’t keep my eyes really is kind of a catch-22.  Michael wanted to watch a bunch of his shows after dinner, so I headed downstairs to get my next customer quilt loaded.  I got the back and batting on, unfortunately I couldn’t baste the top as thunderstorms moved in.  Instead I worked on sewing together my latest blocks.  I’m hoping for better weather on Thursday.

I got a text from Arizona Mary with a picture of the bed quilt she just is absolutely AMAZING and yes, she quilted it herself:

And now 2 funnies from FB that really made me smile:

-I'm not sure how many cookies it takes to be happy, but it's not 27.

-If you add coconut oil to the kale in your skillet, it makes it much easier to scrape into the trash.

(I'm thinking of one specific person for each of these quotes...hope you know who you are!!)

1 comment:

  1. I like Arizona Mary's quilt and quilting. I would never have thought about putting in those straight lines but it does work and looks great.


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