Sunday, August 30, 2020

pretty trash, library quilt continues

   Current US COVID-19 deaths:  186,874

    Yesterday:  185,985


Michael left for golf on Saturday (8/29) while I headed to my studio.  The weather looked iffy all morning, so I didn’t want to longarm, instead I concentrated on getting 8 more string blocks done (I need a total of 48 of these):  

I got them trimmed and couldn't resist taking a picture of my 'trash can' (I put that in quotes because these trimmings will go to someone who uses them to stuff pillows for the animal shelter).  Doesn't my trash look pretty?

Michael was home around 1 PM and I quickly made ham & pickle for his lunch (as the hot dog cart had closed down due to the threat of rain).  He said his score was an 81…more or less….I guess there were a couple of mulligans involved :~).  And his birdie streak is back up to 2.  

I fired up my embroidery machine in the afternoon and got another one done: 

and continued to work on the string blocks.  I think it is a reasonable goal to have this quilt totally finished and ready to be hung by October 1st, so that’s what I’m going to aim for.  That gives me approximately 2-ish weeks to get all of the blocks done, and 2-ish weeks to sew it all together and get it quilted and bound…but still leaves room for life happening along the way :~).  We had leftover ONE POT PASTA for dinner and I got one more embroidery done after that (Connie - leaving out the 'lie' line just didn't work):

and by the time I went to bed, my design wall looked like this:



  1. I like big books & I cannot lie! That is too funny!

  2. Yes, your scraps look pretty and colorful!

    I read the "I Like Big Books and I cannot lie" as I like big boobs and I cannot lie. In that frame of mind I took the word "lie" to mean lying down. And my mind said... WHAT?!? So I read it again, more carefully this time and got it right and a good laugh out of it. Not sure if I hope visitors to the library always get it right the first time or if I hope that some make the same mistake I did and get a good laugh our of it! Inez


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