Sunday, August 16, 2020

customer quilt loaded, new quilt layout

Current US COVID-19 deaths:  172,630

    Yesterday:  171,568


My honey was up at 6 AM on Saturday (8/15) for golf and I followed at 7 AM.  I had a leisurely morning, spending several hours drinking my tea and going through my emails and finally making some breakfast.  I deliberately did NOT look at my KINDLE book as I had things to get done!!!!  Once I got my blog out, I stopped procrastinating and got my customer quilt basted:  

I got the program set up and was paying not a bit of attention to the weather….thus it was a total shock when I heard the first roll of thunder!  I shut down everything TOOT SWEET!!!  Thunder+lightening+expensive longarm do not mix!  The storms kept moving over, then clearing up, then  coming back again, so no quilting was done today!!!  My honey managed to get in all 18 holes (with a score of 86 before the deluge began).   I spent the afternoon sewing blocks and blocks and blocks, with the following result:  

I LOVE it…what do you think?  

We had leftover tomato pie for dinner (has anyone else made it yet???) and watched Mary Tyler Moore re-runs all evening.  

Have you ever seen pictures of babies after they are done nursing with the label 'milk drunk'??  Well, this is 'yarn drunk' after chasing around a ball of yarn:

She laid like that for the longest time  :~).

1 comment:

  1. I like your quilt blocks. Is that a variation of the one you showed me that you hadn't figured out yet?


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