Friday, August 14, 2020

June, tomato pie tutorial

 Current US COVID-19 deaths:  170,468

    Yesterday:  169,135


I started a new series of 5 books on my KINDLE, the author is Janet Dawson and the protagonist is Jeri Howard (the first book is KINDRED CRIMES) and they are impossible to put down!!!  I read the second book most of Thursday morning (8/13) before I finally convinced myself to head to the studio.  I have a customer quilt to load up and the first step is ALWAYS vacuuming the floor so that it doesn’t pick up any stray threads.  Well, in my current state I finished vacuuming…and then needed a nap  :~).  I finally got the backing and batting on the frame just as June showed up.  She was in the area for a perm….doesn’t she look pretty?  

And she stopped by to pick up the DVD of HARVEY.  When I talked about watching it the other week, she asked to see it, and I had forgotten to give it to her when she was here for retreat.  

By then it was time to head upstairs and finally get going on the second TOMATO PIE!!  Even though the tomatoes have been draining for 2 days, it was much juicer than the first one I made with plum tomatoes….but still OH SO FABULOUS!!!  

I mixed together sharp cheddar and mozarella for the top...I haven't added the mayo yet:

I set the oven at 375 degrees and blind baked my pie shell for 20 minutes while I was pulling everything else together (wish I could figure out how to put captions on these pictures as I used to....I haven't found that yet under the new 'platform'.

I harvested my scallions, grown from the first batch
Even though the tomatoes have been draining, I gave them a good spin in the salad spinner

Again, I didn't have basil leaves, so just dotted everything with pesto

OH MY WORD, very yummy!!!

Michael and I both read our books in the evening, and I was in bed by 9 PM.  

The best thing about today?  I never used my cane even once….even though I went up and down the basement stairs several times……can you say HEALING?!?!?


  1. You are getting better every day!!!

  2. A) How come June looks younger and prettier, and I am looking older and fatter?????
    B) Tomato pie looks very yum. Maybe I missed a previous tutorial, is that a plain pie crust?
    C) Hooray for healing!!

  3. I wanted to say how lovely June looks! Her hair looks great! And yeah for no cane! Woot woot!


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