Tuesday, January 8, 2019

St Distaff Day

My honey made himself a terrific breakfast on Monday (1/7), only to find out they weren’t going golfing!!  At 7:30 AM they found out it was cart path only, so everyone dropped out.  He eventually headed out before 9 AM to try to get in 18 holes on our home course. It must have worked, because he didn’t come back home  :~).  

I wanted to work on my secret project, but instead spent the morning on the phone with several government agencies before leaving at 10:45 for the Lake House.  

Today is St Distaff Day (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Distaff_Day)  and Pam gathered a group of us to celebrate it in the Lake House Lobby:  

Rosalie with her portable spinning wheel

Pam who is carding wool

I spent a pleasant couple of hours knitting and talking to Pam, Rosalie and Anne before Anne and I made a quick trip to Hobby Lobby and PETCO.  I dropped Anne back at the Lake House and headed out to run a few more errands before finally getting home around 3 PM.  

My honey was home and we talked for a bit before eating a super early dinner so that he could leave at 5 PM for the movies.  I finally got my quilt basted: 

and at 7 PM Kristen swung by.  Kristen is the daughter of someone who lives here in SCCL, and she is interested in Miss Scarlett.  I showed her how to set up a pattern, stitched out 2 rows, and answered a bunch of questions.  She is really nice and fun and I think we had a good time together, but I was pooped at 9 PM when she left and my honey came home.  We just vegged on the couch until 11:30 when we finally went to bed.

I had a video of Pam with her drop spindle, unfortunately I took it sideways with no way to make upright  :~(.  But it's worth seeing anyway, so turn your head sideways:

I did however take a video of Rosalie (right side up) with her spinning wheel:  

1 comment:

  1. Thnx for the videos ! Hope Miss Scarlett finds a good home !


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