Friday, January 11, 2019

new QoV blocks all together

Quilting was cancelled on Thursday (1/10) due to a serious water leak in the Fellowship Hall (which is where we meet), so I stayed in my studio all day working on various projects.  

I had a few more pinwheels, so I threw them up on the wall…here’s where it was:  

here’s where it is now:  

I was excited when one of my readers told me she didn't realize that HST's could become pinwheels, so she's going to try the same thing!  I'm still not sure what is going in all of the white spaces, and am also not sure whether this quilt will be a square or turn into the rectangle it looks like now.  I'll probably 'draw' it out in excel to try to see what might work.

I started to put together the newest Quilt of Valor…and I LOVE it:   

I had to lay it out on my long arm because obviously, my design wall is busy :~).  Paula came down for just a bit of advice on some colors and we ended up spending several hours together running errands to return things far and wide and hit the library and the bank.  We ran into Pat W at the bank, so we all ended up at WENDY’S for lunch before coming home again.  Pat is finally getting over her cold.

I continued to work on my QoV, and by the time we stopped for a late dinner, I had this:  

And I have a bunch of 4 patches made from scraps that I am using as leaders and enders:

My honey is still on the downward trajectory of his cold, so we snuggled on the couch and watched TV the rest of the night.  I did finish loading up another necklace.

Recently I was asked by my friend Carole of From My Carolina Home to help spread the word about her current project, collecting quilts for the many families affected by Hurricanes Florence and Michael on the North Carolina coast.  They are hoping to collect more than 4500 quilts for those whose homes were completely destroyed!  

This project is going to go on through Summer 2019, so there's plenty of time to make one or more quilts, or participate in other ways.  You can find more information on Carole's post 

which is chock-full of ideas, suggestions, and ways you can help.  She's even connecting piecers up with quilters if you don't have a way to quilt your own work.  She'll be putting updates for the project on that post, too, so you might want to bookmark it.

She is asking that completed quilts be bed sized - twin, full or queen - since they are only able to provide one quilt per household.  Please check out the post and consider donating to this worthy effort.

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