Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Monthly FIBER NUTZ (weaving) Meeting, 2018 year end missive

Michael left for a routine dentist cleaning on Tuesday morning (1/8), while I spent time working on the:  

I am thrilled to say that the first part is done, and regardless of how far along I am, I will be showing it at quilting on Thursday and all will be revealed  :~).  

I stopped in time to change clothes and head out just before 1 PM to our monthly FIBER NUTZ meeting.  There were 8 of us there this time and we talked and talked and did show and tell for the entire time!  

Kathy with her woven scarf

Marilyn with a beginning new needle felting project

Pam is carding some wool

Jan with her electric spinner

Rosalie with her foot powered wheel

our hostess Melanie with a fabulous pillow she just finished

Terry - a new addition to the group.  She made this fabulous coat!!!

and best of all, Terry is also a quilter  :~)
Unfortunately I had to leave early to make a 3 PM meeting on the Chartered Club Manual re-write at the Lake House.  I didn’t get home until after 5 PM and I was pooped!  I had leftover pizza for dinner and watched a tiny bit of TV with my honey (who was finishing up the halushkis) before he headed out to go to the movies with Larry.  I headed downstairs and deemed the time was right to start a new project…WHOO HOO!!!  I’ve been dying to make a new QoV, so I spent some time finding and pulling out my fabrics.  Michael got home close to 10 and we stayed up far too late talking and watching TV!!
And my last summation for 2018?  Our annual missive...enjoy!

        January - We started off the year with a New Year’s Day Brunch…..which was a wonderful way to greet all of our friends for 2018.  Michael was out many nights during the month at rehearsals for “4 WEDDINGS AND AN ELVIS” and we had our first snowstorm of the year.  Another first, I joined a monthly weaving group and made some really nice new friends.

        The best part of February was BG’s visit early in the month for 5 days  :~).  I think the best part for her was getting to go to the semi-annual sale at FOUST….she got lots of great fabrics and we had a wonderful time.  I spent a lot of time in the kitchen, baking 120 individual servings of dessert for fund raising at Fort Mill theatre.  And FOUR WEDDINGS AND AN ELVIS opened to standing room only crowds and Michael was very pleased to be part of the cast.  The month ended in tragedy; we lost Elsie, our 15 year old kitty – (
        I started March in Nashville on a quilting retreat with Pat.  We had a wonderful time, and I loved spending it with Pat’s friends.  Michael got into the kitchen swing of things when he decided this month to make yummy artisan rye bread for the first time.  And our hearts were full of love once again as we adopted 2 rescue kitties, forevermore to be called Lucy & Ethel.
        We started April with an Easter dinner for 11 of us and it was a wonderful and perfect weather day….good thing as some people ate inside and some people ate out on our new screened in porch.  Michael had a quick, overnight golfing trip to Sanford this month and he was low man each day, which really put a smile on his face  :~).
        The good news is: Michael had his annual trip to Pinehurst in May.  The bad news is: he also came down with a case of shingles.  Luckily our friend Anne is into essential oils and she immediately made up 2 sprays which took care of the itching and pain.
        Michael scored big time in June with a 76 on the golf course…his lowest score ever!!!  And Susan, our across the street neighbor who brought us dinner the second day we were in our house back in 2006, moved to a senior living center.  We have had a lot of dinners and game nights and driveway parties and general socializing with Susan over the 12 years we have lived here and it was very hard to see her go.  Sue & Charlie arrived for a quick visit near the end of the month and we had a delightful time visiting with them.  And at the very end, my honey broke his own record….coming home with a score of 75!!!
        The high point of July was definitely a visit from Connecticut friends Janice & Dennis…who will be living in the Carolinas by the end of 2019…WHOO HOO!!!
        The end of July and the beginning of August was spent on a wonderful train trip through the Canadian Rockies.  My honey arranged everything, including flying first class…a first time surprise for me and absolutely FABULOUS!!  I do just want to point out however, that sleeping on a train is absolutely NOTHING like Cary Grant makes it seem in NORTH BY NORTHWEST  :~).  The other item of note was that Jan, my longtime friend and quilting buddy, put her house on the market and it sold in FIVE days!!!  She too will be moving into a senior living situation…and will be SORELY missed.
        September had 2 things of note - Inez came for a visit for an entire week and we spent it in the kitchen making all manner of baked goods…what an incredible time…I had so much fun with her!!  And Michael starred in another play at Fort Mill Community Playhouse.  The play was TUESDAYS WITH MORRIE.  I don’t know if any of you read the book when it came out decades ago…the play followed the book very closely and Michael played Morrie.  He was so moving in the part, but for me especially after watching one former husband die, it was heart wrenching to watch him on stage.  He received (and totally deserved) many, many accolades for his performance and heard many similar stories, from people who came up to him after each performance, of how perfectly he portrayed the situation.
        October brought another visit from BG (I was really lucky this year to get 2 visits :~), but the highlight this month for Michael was definitely winging his way to Ithaca to spend 5 days with Audrey June.  They really bonded and she definitely recognizes him now when we SKYPE.
        For me, November was all about the Fiber Floozie retreat….7 women bonding in the way only women can…sharing our strengths and weaknesses, and helping one another…and incidentally….sewing and sewing and sewing!  And I’m sure it was good for Michael too as he had 6 days of peace and quiet without me :~).
        As usual, December was filled with Christmas parties and lots of other good food.  With Michael’s help I made my usual Christmas candies, and they were all distributed far and wide.  For the most part the weather was beautiful and Michael continued his regular 3 days a week golfing schedule.
        Once again, 2018 was a year filled with golfing and theatre (both community and professional) and new recipes, quilting and lots of visits and dinners with friends.  But best of all is the times we got to SKYPE with Audrey June, and all of the pictures we get to share.  How exciting and wonderful it is to have a grandchild. 
My favorite picture from the entire year?  So glad you asked…hands down this one wins!

1 comment:

  1. Hands down - you are my favorite picture!!!

    Love You



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