Tuesday, January 1, 2019

New Year's Eve, Russian story, sticky buns

It’s time to tell you a strange story about one of my blog entries.  I have a blog entry from 2016 when I was visiting BG in Connecticut.  There’s a bakery we like to go to that has absolutely spectacular Russian dark rye (although sometimes I call it Russian Pumpernickel) that we both love to eat.  I talked about it, and put the word Russian in the title as well:

I think Russian people have been doing a search on the internet for all things Russian and have found this ONE blog entry.  As of this morning it had 655 total views, and 84 comments.  And the comments read like people who do not have English as their first language.  Some of the comments are a real hoot and worth checking out.  Sometimes they ask me questions, and ask for a reply.  But, even though I have updated the post to indicate that they HAVE to leave their email address within the comment to get a reply….no one does.  It’s really strange and for the past 2 weeks I think I have gotten comments every single day on this old post…..weird!


It was another gloomy day on Sunday (12/30), but a good day for continuing cleaning in the studio.  My honey made me a fabulous breakfast to keep me going: 

and I spent the rest of the day gathering things to give away and sewing up some HST’s I found.  

I had an idea to use them all up in a quilt, here’s what I’ve started with:  

Michael and I had a reprise of our Christmas dinner and I strung beads while watching TV in the evening.


We were up and out of the house at o’dark hundred on Monday morning (12/31) to make it to an early morning eye appointment for Michael.  The doctor said everything looks ok, but she may have been seeing some residual effects from a clot.  She recommended a dye procedure with a retinologist, so we set that up and left to have a smufy breakfast at a place just down the street called EDDIE’S PLACE.  We were finally home just before NOON, and Michael ran to the grocery store while I worked on redding up the upstairs, vacumming the downstairs and in general getting ready for our New Year’s Day Brunch.  

Michael and I decided days ago that we would have spaghetti & meatballs (something he almost NEVER gets at home) for our New Year’s Eve dinner…..the best part was that he totally forgot about that and so was surprised and pleased when he came to dish it up!  I put together Killer Pecan Sticky Buns after dinner:  

I poured the honey/brown sugar mixture in the pan and started to break pecans over it

I think I finally have enough pecans!

this dough was so beautiful...rolled out to 20'' by 8 ''

laved with the butter/cinnamon/brown sugar filling

sprinkled with dried apricots, re-hydtated with apricot brandy

can't wait until tomorrow....
and then we settled in for date night with popcorn and MISS PETTIGREW LIVES FOR A DAY (a fabulous and family fun movie you should all see).  We decided to forgo the champagne since we’d be serving it for New Year’s Day brunch.

1 comment:

  1. Re: R---story, Are you sure you're not being scoped out as a possible R---operative????


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