Saturday, July 2, 2016

hydrangeas, Susan & Jim, Evelyn & Phil, verteran Jackie

Michael freshened up our bouquet of hydrangeas with some tea roses 

and also picked a fresh bunch for Paula.  I dropped them off on my way out in the morning….Paula’s feeling a bit under the weather.  I headed up South Blvd on Friday morning (7/1) for my appointment at the knee clinic.  Everyone there told me I have to be patient while waiting for results….they feel the next 2 weeks will show some significant improvement…I’ll let you know!  After that visit I headed to Waxhaw to visit with Judy, a Thursday quilter who had both of her knees replaced 9 days ago.  She is still in a lot of pain, but seemed considerably brighter drinking the peach milkshake I brought her from Chik-fil-a!  I also took down a stack of quilting magazines….I figured sometimes you just don’t feel like reading a book, but what quilter doesn’t like to look through a bunch of magazines?  I got home in the afternoon and read and sewed for a bit before leaving at 5:30 for dinner at Susan’s

Susan & Jim (we're playing golf at this point)

 (Evelyn & Phil were already there):  

Evelyn & Phil

 We had chicken cacciatore, greens beans, cherry tomatoes and artisan bread for dinner.   

After dinner we played SEVENS and SCHEIST (2 card games), paused for angel food cake with fresh berries & peaches and ice cream for dessert…then finished off with a couple of rounds of GOLF (another card game); we were home by 9:30.  I had a really nice surprise in my email when we got home.   My second patriotic quilt has been delivered and I got a nice note from Pete (my VFW contact):” Jackie is a Vietnam Vet. He was so thankful for your gift. He stepped on a mine or bobby trap while in Vietnam. He is confined to a wheelchair. You can tell by his radiant "smile" how much he appreciated you doing this for him. He loved it”.   

I am thrilled and it makes me want to do a HUNDRED more quilts!!!!

1 comment:

  1. What a WONDERFUL note ! I can see how you would want to make a 100 more !!! Thank you Jackie AND Deb for your patriotism...


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