My honey did marathon errand running on
Sunday (7/3)…he’s just the best, while I worked hard on my hidden wells. At 3 PM I needed a break, so I headed
upstairs to make a double run of dark chocolate pudding and dough for our
dinnertime pizza. Then it was back to
slaving over a hot sewing machine until the top was done:
By then it was time for pizza, so I headed
upstairs (apparently not fast enough for some people)
are you coming or what??? |
to put it together.
ham/pineapple side, basil side |
onions added to basil |
mozarella cheese... |
While the pizza was baking, I put together 2
dishes of ice box cake
mint thin oreos on bottom |
layer of pudding made earlier |
a second layer of oreos...then I put pudding on top of them |
final layer of oreos...although I ran short :-) |
and later in the evening ran one down to Paula. She still has this respiratory infection that
does not seem to be getting better….so I thought she deserved a treat.
The pizza was yummy!!
and my honey and I just vegged for the rest of
the evening…although I did manage to put together overnight Belgium waffle
batter before I headed to bed.
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