Monday, April 30, 2018

waffles with Jan, second patriotic totally done, black Vortex lay out

I had made waffle batter on Saturday night, so Sunday morning (4/29) Michael took Cookie for a walk, then came home and made potatoes and bacon: 

to go with the waffles:  

We had company for breakfast (Cooper came too, but he was too fast for me to get a pic!):  

and we were all stuffed by the time I headed back downstairs at 11 AM (but not before snuggling my sweet babies on their cat tree):

this is the first time we've seen one in the very tippy top!

I kicked off the quilting on my customer quilt, and got going on the binding for the second patriotic quilt, while stitching out another label:  

Other than a short visit from Donna & Larry Y to check out our lanair, and a quick trip to Diane’s house (with Paula), I sewed all day and by dinner time (pizza from MARCO’s), I had the second patriotic done…including stitching down the label.  

My babies were on their tree again when I came up to get my pizza:

I decided it was time to layout black Vortex after dinner…but here I ran into a problem.  I was sure I had made all of the blocks on retreat…and counted and counted them…but while I was laying out I definitely had BIG gaps.

I finally figured out what I did wrong....I had it too wide...when I took off the 2 outside columns, I had enough to fill in the gaps on the inside.  

I'll add a 3-1/2 inch border of the puzzle fabric to this when sewn together.  By the time I finished, it was 8 PM and I headed upstairs to collapse and snuggle with my honey.  

1 comment:

  1. You were looking forward to a productive weekend and you lived up to that. I would have gone crazy on the vortex quilt and I love puzzles. But don’t think I would have gotten that. Not sure where the gap was unless just not enough to fill the bottom. No matter - good job!AM143


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