Saturday, April 21, 2018

kitties, weaving group, Ann Mary & Jim

My honey made me an egg/jalapeno cheese/spinach sandwich 

Friday morning (4/20) which was yummy!!  I brought my dishes back upstairs when I was finished and couldn't resist heading outside to take a picture of our front garden plot.....the iris's have gone wild:

When Michael left to run errands (chiro, liquor store, grocery store), I started to load up a new quilt on Miss Scarlett:  

Barb D came by to discuss what pattern she wanted on her quilt, and after that I got the new quilt all basted, and the pattern figured out:  

When I came upstairs to change my clothes and head out, the babies were playing in their ‘tree’.  

I headed over to Pam’s for a weaving get together and I met several new ladies:  

Marilyn, who's into needle felting

Melanie - who needs to join machine embroidery group!

and who is also doing these totally unique pottery trays

and Susan, demonstrating machine felting

and of course Pam our hostess (in a hand knit sweater):

and Rosalie:

We spent an enjoyable afternoon spinning, needle felting and knitting before heading home around 4 PM.  

Michael joined me in the kitchen to chop everything (onions, mushrooms, chicken sausage, spinach) for our dinner and Ann Mary & Jim 

arrived at 6.  We had the one pot chicken sausage mixture 

served over linguini along with cheddar bay biscuits.  Jim just returned from a golfing trip to Scotland with his son, so he and Michael had lots to talk about.  Michael asked Jim to pick up another shirt while he was over there, and Jim brought it along:  

We played cards for several hours before stopping for chocolate chip cookies for dessert.  

They left around 9:30 and Michael and I read for about an hour before bed. 

When I went to the library 2 weeks ago, none of the books I had put on hold had come in…so I cruised around some new releases and finally picked up one called THE RUNAWAY MIDWIFE by Patricia Harman (probably because I am so enamored of the PBS series CALL THE MIDWIFE).  This book turned out to be a page turner and really good!!!  I’m so glad I picked it up.


  1. Glad to see Cookie is finding her way into a pic even if not intentional!😜

  2. WOW ! Love, Love, all the photos from the weaving get together ! SOOOO creative ! mjnct

  3. So you didn't disclose that the picture you were taking of me was for public view. No worries...just surprised! You had quite a busy day.


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