Thursday, April 19, 2018

policemen quilts given out!

OMgosh…the funniest thing happened on Wednesday morning (4/18).  Michael was going golfing very early…and it was supposed to get up to 80 degrees…but of course that wouldn’t happen until late afternoon.  So…he was stressing a little bit about whether to wear long or short pants.  When we watch TV if I have the fan on EVEN in the summer, he has a blanket over his legs….so I figure he doesn’t like his legs cold so I recommend long pants.  So he puts on long pants and I am still dozing in the bed, and eventually he comes back and I hear him say ‘oh no’!  So I wake up and say ‘what is going on’  and he says ‘well, I looked at the outside temperature (we have a thermometer outside that project the temp only our readout in the living room) and it’s almost 60 degrees already, so I changed to shorts.  But I just realized that it is so warm outside because the temperature gauge out on the lanair is literally 3 inches away from the crockpot you’ve had cooking all night!!!  That’s what is making it register so warm!’  Oh well….best laid plans and all that  :~).  

I got up and took the dog out and couldn’t help but notice more and more of the iris’s from Loree are blooming and they look gorgeous:  

By the time I got my blog out and ran my emails, it was time to SKYPE with Janice.  We talked for almost 1-1/2 hours and when I headed back upstairs afterwards, my furry babies were sleeping away:  

I got the crockpot in off of the lanair and bagged up the stock I had cooking overnight.  Pat picked me up right as I was finishing up and we headed out on errands.  First stop was WALMART for groceries, then SAMS to pick up a huge sheetcake for her golf outing on Thursday.  We headed back to Diane’s house to meet up with Corinne and continue to catalogue and price Diane’s sewing items.  I didn’t get home until 4:30 and I was absolutely beat.  Luckily we had already picked up a pizza from PAPA MURPHY”S on Tuesday, so that’s what we had for dinner….

along with a pan of brownies I scored at WALMART.  

I’ve been craving brownies, and saw a brand name box mix for just a dollar, so I snatched it up.  Well….I should know this by now…but both Michael and I thought the brownies were just ‘ok’.  I used to love boxed brownies, but when you don’t have them for a long while, you definitely notice an off taste from the box.  I just need to find a quick and easy one bowl scratch recipe when I’m having a craving…but feeling lazy.  So….if anyone out there has one…please send it along  :~).  

I got a little cutting done in my studio after dinner (with a bit of company):  

but finally just vegged on the sofa with my honey for most of the evening (we were both beat).

So, I am thrilled to tell you that the policemen’s quilts have been handed out…here’s the email I received from the sheriff:

“Firstly, let me thank you again for your thoughtfulness and kindness in donating these quilts.  I felt your sincerity and compassion when we met.  I was able to deliver the quilts to the officers at a recent luncheon.  As promised, I took photos which are attached.  All of the officers were very thankful for your hard work and, more importantly, your prayers.:

And here are the pictures:

And your daily dose of cuteness….2 short videos that I think are both of Ethel:

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful iris's ! Reminds me of Vernon !
    Try Ghirardelli boxed brownies ! (I know you were looking for homemade...) But these are a hit every time I make them. mjnct


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