Saturday, September 30, 2017

cutting for retreat, pinwheel blocks, pizza, Cooper

Michael left for a ton of errands Friday morning (9/29) like Triple A (still looking for an eclipse cruise), picking up my embroidery machine (YAY!!), CVS, LOWE’s (house washing solution), the library (to return books), Belair Food Pantry (to drop off all of the food collected at the retreat yesterday), WALMART (for red pens), and Trader Joe’s (butternut squash ravioli & organic sugar free peanut butter).  As I approached my day, I truly felt awash in good feelings….which I attribute to a number of things….first and foremost, the retreat yesterday.  That was still uppermost in my mind and brought a huge smile to my face and peace to my heart.  Second, to a phone call from Janice in the early morning hours.  I had a very, very upsetting Wednesday afternoon, and sent off an email to Janice late Wednesday night.  She called early Thursday morning to make sure I was all right, and to tell me that what I was feeling was ok…and to just try to enjoy my day on Thursday….which I thoroughly did.  And lastly, I was feeling good from a short conversation I had with Loree.  Although we didn’t get to talk a lot at retreat…apparently she had been thinking some of the same things I was on Wednesday…it was surprising what a parallel track our lives are taking at times…and knowing that she felt some of the same things was good to hear.  I hope we can help each other  :~). 

In addition to finishing off my regular Thursday project at retreat (pictures after it is quilted and bound), I got the binding sewn 3/4 of the way around another Valor quilt (had to leave one corner unfinished for the label) and I started to sew together all of those 1/2 square triangle blocks created from my paper pinwheel quilt: 

So, feeling super good on Friday, I kicked off Miss Scarlett to finish up Sandy F’s quilt and continued cutting out fabric.  I now have 2 Valor quilts ready to go for retreat:  

By the time I finished up Sandy’s quilting in the afternoon, my honey was home from all of his errands with my embroidery machine, so I fired that up, anxious to complete 2 Valor labels so that I could finish up my quilts…however I still ran into problems and was very discouraged :~(.  Judy (lady at Viking store) felt that I needed more stabilizer and different kinds as well, so I will work on that.  By then it was time to make the pizza for dinner, so I headed to the kitchen.  We still had 2 huge tomatoes and a tiny bit of pesto (I desperately need more, but don’t have any viable basil), so that’s the pizza I made:

Michael and I finally got a chance to settle in and watch the first episode of the newest STAR TREK:DISCOVERY.  We were totally disappointed that ‘60 Minutes’ ran late, so we missed the last 20 minutes of our program.  BUT, we also thought it was rather plodding and are not sure whether we are going to watch or not.

I have one more picture to show you and I have to warn you in advance that it is just SO ADORABLE that you will be compelled to say “AWWWWWW”!   

Yes, Jan’s dog Cooper has completed his obedience school training….is he not precious?

1 comment:

  1. I thought Discovery was really pretty good, the bad news is it isn't going to show on CBS network, it is on their paid streaming channel only. I'm not paying to watch one show, so won't be seeing it.


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