Friday, May 4, 2018

Show & Tell and Food at SHQ, Creme Brulee

I hopped up early along with Michael Thursday morning (5/3) to get roll dough made to take to quilting.  Michael loaded up the car, I stopped at Pat’s to pick up a bunch of fat quarters and off I went.  We had a wonderful day, filled with good show and tell:  

and fabulous food: 

but I only got 6 of my blocks done (must have socialized a bit too much  :~).  I stopped on the way home to drop off empty bins to Tom (Diane’s husband) and to drop off shoes to Ann Mary (fund raising for Paws in the Panhandle) before finally arriving home around 2:30.  I read for a bit until Michael came home and we talked for a bit before he headed off to watch the Quail Hollow Open on TV.  After that it was time to make 2 NEW recipes!!!  We made MUSHROOM SPINACH ORZO for dinner…

I sauteed mushrooms and shallots, then added in garlic and thyme and chicken stock:

Michael grated parmesan (while cooking the orzo):

Then we dumped everything into the saute pan, along with a tiny bit of half and half and some spinach:

It was yummy, although a little soup-y...I have to tweak the recipe for next time.

And then….and then…Michael’s favorite in the whole world….CREME BRULEE!!  

We got it all mixed up and into the oven, then I headed to my studio to SKYPE with BG while he baked it and got it out of the oven.  I can’t wait to try it on Saturday (it needed to chill at least overnight).  BG and I SKYPE’ed for at least an hour…it was wonderful….then it was TV watching with my honey before bed.

Michael did have breakfast on the lanair before leaving for golf, and I got a couple of videos of Lucy & Ethel playing (darn...the second video was too big to'll just have to enjoy only one!):

1 comment:

  1. I know which one was my favorite in Show and Tell! Do you? AM143💜💜


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