Tuesday, May 29, 2018

garden flowers, kids, QoV totally finished, colorwash top finished

Happy Memorial Day!!!  Michael picked our own vase of front garden flowers when we got up Monday morning (5/28):  

Those hydrangea blossoms are at least 8 inches across and they are gorgeous!  He had breakfast on the lanair: 

with all of our furry kids: 

ring around the rosie?

while I headed downstairs to get my blog out.  When I was done I went back to finishing up the second Quilt of Valor…I thought that was a very appropriate use of my time considering the day:  

After that I got my watercolor quilt pressed and up on the wall for measurements with the new borders…I think it looks 100% better, don't you?  It went from this:  

to this:  

I wish you could see it in person…the colors are soft and beautiful, it really does look like one of the colorwash quilts.  I got Michael’s opinion on backing fabric and I hope to get it loaded up sometime this week.  

Do you remember my Loree quilt?  It just really bugged me that it wasn’t going to be a Beds=Dreams quilt as I had hoped due to not having enough border fabric.  Well, I just kept thinking about it and finally went through my stash again.  I got Michael’s opinion on some fabrics and cut them and started to add them as borders...pictures as soon as it is complete.  

We had burgers on the grill for dinner and when we settled in for some TV, I started to trim some of the 104 HST’s remaining.

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