Wednesday, May 16, 2018

first QoV quilting finished, string piecing, mile-a-minute

My honey was up and out early on Tuesday (5/15) to run a bunch of errands and hit the chiro before getting home in time to get picked up for lunch!!  I had a more leisurely morning with my tea and my computer, before heading back to quilting the first QoV and continuing to sew up my under-the-table scraps  :~).  I had company in an unexpected place...

they haven't both been in their downstairs bed for quite awhile...I thought maybe they were getting too big!  I quit working around 10 AM to head upstairs to make up some breakfast.  By then my honey was home and we talked for just a bit before Ralph picked him to head into MAXWELL’s in Waxhaw.  I sewed all afternoon and little bit after dinner.  We’ve been eating the leftover chicken on the grill with sides for dinner, but as much as it is delicious, I wanted something different for dinner with the end of it.   So, I made some mushroom sherry gravy and slid the sliced chicken in to warm it as soon as the gravy had reduced and thickened.  Michael made mashed potatoes and sliced some tomatoes for our side.  With that gravy….the chicken was outstanding!!!  

By the time I settled in to watch TV, the quilting was done on the first QoV:  

Yes, those stars are the backing fleece

I had 3 strips sewn on all 30 of my string pieced blocks:  

and I had made 22 more mile-a-minute 3-1/2’’ blocks:  

I call that a good and productive day  :~).

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