Thursday, May 24, 2018

Convergence/Butterfly quilt totally finished!

I was up at 6 AM on Wednesday morning (5/23) and after taking the dog out and feeding everyone I spent time out on the lanair, just appreciating the sights and sounds  :~);  Lucy & Ethel were fascinated by all of the birds as well.  I spent about 20 minutes after that finishing up the last 12 inches of binding that had to be stitched down on the butterfly wall hanging, then made my morning tea and headed downstairs to press my last borders on the Loree quilt (remember, picture when Michael gets home).  By then my resident wood working friend Larry called, so I headed to his house to get the wood for my butterfly wall hanging cut.  And now….the final picture of my wall hanging…I LOVE it:  

I wish you could all see it in person because trust miss the details like the light quilting with silver metallic and just how beautiful the butterflies are up close!  And trust wouldn't have been possible without my friend Susie stitching down ALL of the hand!!!!  I think all of the work that Michael and I put in on it was worth it....I hope it makes a lot of money for the STEM fund raiser in June.  

When I got home I fired up my embroidery machine and whipped out 2 name tags….pictures after I give them, and a card for a friend’s recent promotion (she doesn’t read the blog so I feel safe showing that  :~):   

Of course in the middle of the card, this happened (not a filled bobbin to be had):  

so I had to spend 45 minutes going back to this:  

I decided to get binding made, first up was the black for the Loree quilt (and now I am totally out of black fabric!!!!  Guess I’ll have to get another bolt in August!):  

then I discovered I could use the same fabric for both of the Quilts of Valor, so I got that done:  

After dinner I had time to get the quilts off of Miss Scarlett….the first quilt is all cleaned up and trimmed and the second quilt just needs trimmed….I thought it was a very productive day and I was happy to sit down at 10 PM to read my book for an hour before bed.

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