Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Anne, Barb, Edee, Ann Mary, Loree, Linda, Paula, Martini Night

I can’t really believe Michael left to go golfing today (Tuesday, 5/29) as it was actually misting when he left!!  BUT, they must have gotten 18 holes in because he still wasn’t back when Anne picked me up at 1 PM for the movies.  I dropped off the butterfly/convergence on the way (YAY!!) and met up with 9 other ladies to see BOOKCLUB:  

Anne, Barb (who we kidnapped right at the Lake House), Edee

Ann Mary, Loree, Linda

Edee & Paula

Sally & Ann Mary

It was a HOOT!!!!  Lots and lots of laughs and lots of fun with a great group of ladies!  

Michael was home when I got home around 4:30 and we got to talk for a bit before he left to pick up Larry to go and see SOLO and Donnis picked me up for martini night.  There were only 8 of us for martinis and it was FABULOUS to just sit around the table talking and talking and talking.

Donnis & our hostess Bonnie

Elie, Patti, Joyce, Jane

Dinner was wonderful (we had a BLT salad, 2 different kinds of artisan bread and a raspberry jello salad): 

Bonnie cutting a yummy chocolate/peanut/creme dessert

and we played a game called THINGS after it that was really fun.  What a great day I had  :~)

A wonderful picture of AJ...getting her 'southern' on with that hat!

And another video of the kitties:


  1. The day really did work out for you! And we all enjoyed your efforts of pulling us together! Thanks! Am143๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿพ๐Ÿพ

  2. I'll try not to talk about food - or be hungry when you are not -- Love you - ME


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