Tuesday, December 20, 2016

mutton chops gone, machine embroidery Christmas Party

Monday morning (12/19) saw the end of an era…..after Michael got out of the shower….his Scrooge mutton chops came off….so he went from this:  

to this:  

After having them for so long, it almost seems strange to see him without them :~). 

As you probably know, I belong to a Machine Embroidery group here at SCCL.  Our group is on the small side, so we decided we didn’t need to take up a room at the Lake House for our Christmas party, so the ladies came to my house for a tea on Monday.  I did a quick last run of caramel corn in the morning and got the living room set up, while my babies waited patiently for company:  

Everyone got there at NOON.  There were only 8 of us, but it made it nice to sit in the living room and eat and chat.  The food was great…

the ladies…SO NICE!  

June, Barb

Pat P

Pat W

By the time everyone left and I cleaned up a bit from the party, I hit my studio around 4 PM.  I got a new embroidery done for the Christmas quilt (pics eventually) and got 1/2 of my strata sewn and cut for a new quilt I am starting:  

I headed upstairs around 7 to snuggle with my honey and we were both beat by 10 PM and headed straight to bed.

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