Thursday, December 15, 2016

I got up on Wednesday (12/14) determined to make soap…and I certainly made the attempt (it IS in the molds) but I don’t think it will come out right and I will probably have to re-batch it :~(.  It looked to be going along swimmingly, but suddenly looked like it was curdling and separating.  I am WAY too busy over the next couple of days to worry about it…so we will see what is what on Saturday…and I will have all day to fix it.  After that I spent an inordinately long time reading a library book…something I really don’t have time for…and something I kept trying to stop doing.  I kept looking at the clock saying “ok…I’ll stop at 1:30 PM” and then the next time I looked, it would be 1:37….so then I moved it to 2 or 2:30…you know how that goes!  Finally, when Michael got home from golf I got up and started to put together mac & cheese for dinner (takes a long time, but on the plus side I cleaned all of the cheese out of the cheese drawer AND made a second casserole for Gale, who had knee surgery at least 2 weeks ago and I have been WOEFULLY remiss in not getting some food off to her sooner…other than a loaf of fresh, warm bread).  And yes grammar police…..I know that is a run on sentence…but you know what?   Sometimes I have a run on BRAIN!!  Anyway, I also got some egg salad made that I have been craving for at least 2 weeks.  Michael left at 6 PM for a pick up rehearsal for the play and I finally headed downstairs to work on Steelers binding.  By the time he came home the binding was done….YAY!!!  Other than stitching down the label, this quilt is done (pics tomorrow) and I am thrilled!!!  After that it was a bit of TV before bedtime.

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