Monday, January 2, 2017

Cookie & Elsie, New Year's Day reflections

My honey made us smurfy fried potatoes with eggs 

on Sunday (1/1) to start 2017 off right!  I spent the rest of the morning in the studio, getting my quilt off of the frame and ripping out all of the basting (although I love how it lets my quilts lie flat, it is a pain in the patootie to rip out!), weaving in the bobbin ends and getting it trimmed.  At one point Michael came down to run his emails, so we had snuggling on the first day of the year as well:  

Michael set us up in the afternoon to watch STAR WARS IV and finally get our Christmas cards addressed and filled with our year end letter:

2016 = Hello to all of our friends… Somehow I got very behind on my Christmas tasks this year…I blamed it on the large customer quilt I had to finish in December….Michael blamed it on me reading too many library books….somehow I think he hit closer to the mark J.  Why is this important?  Because our usual Christmas Day activity of addressing our Christmas cards didn’t take place since I hadn’t written our Christmas letter yet.  So…that activity slid back to New Year’s Day…and here we are.

January started out with Michael’s doctor deciding it was time to implant a pacemaker.  Luckily everything went swimmingly and Michael suffered no ill effects. 

February was totally exciting as we left for Iceland with Ralph & Candyce.  Iceland…..what can I tell you about Iceland.  I found the people to be very intelligent, forward thinking and ecologically conscious. And considering the environment in which they live, they also seemed to be a very happy people.  Their electricity is 100% cleanly produced; about 80% of it comes from the rivers (hydro-electric power) and the rest is generated from geo-thermal energy.  I feel like our country could learn a LOT from Iceland, but greed and oil/coal/gas lobbyists will never let it happen.  Yes, we did get to see the Northern Lights…not only while we were at a lookout point for 2-1/2 hours, but also out of the bus window all the way home to the hotel (so that is one more thing crossed off Michael's bucket list).  Yes, we got to swim in the outdoor geo-thermal pool and toured their geo-thermal plant (that was incredible!)  What are some of the small differences I noticed? ALL of the bathrooms we used (whether in the hotel, the airport or wherever we were touring) were energy/water efficient.  They also all had separate flush mechanisms for flushing a liquid, or flushing a solid.  Everyone spoke English….they start learning it in the fourth grade.  They generate almost all of the food they consume.  Since Iceland is a volcanic island, they can't really plant anything, but it is all grown in greenhouses, fueled by their incredibly cheap electricity.  Most things are grown hydroponically.  Two of the tectonic plates run through Iceland, and at this point in time the plates are moving and separating at about 2 centimeters per year.  Michael walked the path of the rift.  Michael and I would definitely consider going back someday in the summertime, but the flights just about killed us.   The month ended with me in the hospital with an ‘atypical’ case of Bell’s Palsy…which prevented my trip to Connecticut L.

The best thing about March for me was starting to make patriotic quilts for local veterans.  My goal was to make 5 in 2016, but I ended up making 7.  The expression on those vet’s faces as they received the quilts was all of the incentive I needed to keep going J.  Michael started into rehearsals for a play here at SCCL.

April was all about ‘art’ of one kind or another.  It was musically terrific with a program entitled BOND AND BEYOND at the symphony; Michael attended an art show and purchased a lithograph of a Paul McCartney painting, which is hanging in his “Man Cave” and a friend’s quilt (with my quilting) won second place at the Charlotte Quilt Show.

In May we completed a make-over of our back garden.  We put in a stone bed and had all of our garden plants in containers….MUCH easier to take care of.  And Michael’s play (FOUR WEDDINGS AND AN ELVIS) premiered here at SCCL. Michael played a screamingly gay ex-TV star! BG came for a scheduled visit in May….and Mary Jo completely BLEW ME AWAY by stowing along as well…I was so flabbergasted at the airport when she came up to me that I didn’t even know what to say!!!  Michael had his yearly trip to Pinehurst with 11 other guys, and we ended the month with a small anniversary celebration.
     In June our long time friend Walt (husband of one of my closest friends, Jan) passed away.  It was good in that he had been struggling with Parkinson’s for a number of years, but so very sad.  Jan married Walt on the day she graduated from college, and it is hard to believe that he is now gone.   The other item of note for the month was the infusion of stem cells I got in both of my knees….hopefully to stave off knee replacement surgery.

I had a birthday in July, and used it as an excuse to figure out what desserts I wanted to make for a chocolate fund raising event later in the year.  I made chocolate mousse, an Oreo bundt cake, chocolate caramel tarts, chocolate dipped strawberries and peach crisp (a friend’s husband does not eat any chocolate).   We broke out the champagne and had a wonderful night eating and drinking with friends and neighbors. 

In August I finally got to my (re-scheduled) trip to Connecticut (re-scheduled from February when I was in the hospital with Bell’s Palsy), while my honey held down the fort at home. 

The highlight of September was definitely a visit from Al & Lynn, our financial planners who reside in Connecticut.  We went over everything we needed to, then headed out to an exquisite dinner at the Fish Market at Baxter Village. 

October started with the first time visit from our friend Raelene and ended with the Chocolate Fund Raising event that I was in charge of here at SCCL.  We raised over $2600 for local charities and I was THRILLED with that.  I never could have made it without my honey’s help…he helped me with everything that needed to get done and worked like a dog the night of the event.
      November was notable for the 8th annual Fiber Floozies retreat in Pennsylvania, and for Michael scoring a dream role…playing SCROOGE in A CHRISTMAS CAROL.
         As usual, December was filled with Christmas parties and lots of other good food.  I made my usual Christmas candies, and they were all distributed far and wide.  For the most part the weather was beautiful and Michael continued his regular 3 days a week golfing schedule.

Once again, 2016 was a year filled with golfing and theatre (both community and professional) and new recipes, quilting and lots of visits and dinners with friends.  We are glad to still be (relatively) healthy and happy and we’re definitely looking forward to what 2017 brings.  We still feel so fortunate to be living here and we try to be grateful every day for all of the wonderful things that have happened over this past year.

I spent a little bit of time reflecting on my quilting for 2016 after that.  I completed 76 quilts on Miss Scarlett this year….well above what I had hoped to do.  Out of those, 39 of them were quilts I completed myself.

Of those quilts, 35 were charity quilts:
-27 are charity quilts to be donated to Clinton School
-7 were charity quilts for veterans
-1 is a charity quilt for the Beds = Dreams program (aka Sterling)

Four of the quilts were gifts:
-1 to my friend Karen B, who passed away in November of 2016 of lung cancer
-2 to my dentist for his new baby and older sister
-1 which has yet to be given, so no hints here  :~)
-1 is a gift to myself….that’s the one I’m currently working on, pictures just as soon as it is bound.

And 36 were customer quilts.

In case you haven’t figured it out, I’m very pleased with how things worked out (quilt wise) in 2016 and hope I can maintain that level of work for 2017.  I called it work only for lack of a better word…I LOVE piecing and quilting and am super grateful that I am able to do that.  For the rest of the evening, after Michael ran out for Chinese for dinner we hunkered down and watched THAT”S ENTERTAINMENT (previously taped on TCM), what a great movie…and I got a lot of knitting done on my newest sweater.

I hope you all had time to reflect on your year as well….it’s always good to see where we have been in the past, and give a bit of thought to where we want to end up in the future.

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