Friday, September 25, 2020

smurfy breakfasts, new quilt basted, lanair windows

 Current US COVID-19 deaths:  207,555

                  Yesterday:  206,616


OK…fall is definitely back (instead of winter!!)…it was 60 degrees when we got up on Thursday (9/24).  I got my blog out, and when I came back upstairs, this is what I saw (remember the pillow comment from a day or so ago??):

I headed across the street to pick up a bagel (in case you’re wondering, I got a free week of a bagel-a-day from Panera) and we each made great breakfasts: 

to fortify us for washing our EZE Breeze windows.  Michael graciously let me make my breakfast first, so I finished eating and managed to get the new quilt basted while he was cooking and eating his:  

Finally it was time to settle in to our windows.  We are getting shades for the windows and thought it would be much easier to wash them before the shades are installed.  So, Michael worked the lanair (taking out windows, vacuuming them and wiping down the frame and railing: 

and bringing them to me on the front porch: 

where I washed and rinsed both sides before giving back to him for drying and subsequent re-attaching.  Of our 11 windows (with 4 panels in each) we got 7 done and hope to do the remaining 4 on Sunday.  

By them we were both aching, so we each took some Tylenol and sat on the lanair, reading and enjoying the newly cleaned view.  

Finally I roused myself and headed down to Joanne and Larry’s, where he cut and drilled holes in my 2 quilt hanging strips.  

Michael and I had leftovers for dinner (still eating Chinese!!!) before settling in to TV.  We started watching a new show from Canada called CORONER and we both really like it.  I thought it was over for the season, but there was an ad last night that said a new episode would air on October 7th, so you might want to check it out.

*** When you do squats, are your knees supposed to sound like a goat chewing on an aluminum can stuffed with celery? * * * 

*** I don't mean to interrupt people. I just randomly remember things and get really excited.  ***

1 comment:

  1. It was a great , but tiring day! Love you so..........



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