Monday, September 21, 2020

quilting done on library quilt

 Current US COVID-19 deaths:  204,122

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Brrrr…we didn’t even remember to look at the temps outside until 9 AM on Sunday (9/20) and it was 52 degrees!!!!  Michael took Cookie for a walk and I did a few things around the house, so it was 10 AM before we even started making our big fry-up (with a nod to Lionel and Jean) for breakfast:  

Michael headed out to Panera, CVS and Harris Teeter after that while I continued to relax and procrastinate.  Pam made a brief stop to bring me an aloe plant for Connie, and some pretty zinnias:

Finally, at 2 PM I headed to the studio to continue to work on the library quilt.  I studied my notes: 

and voila…..within 25 minutes, I had the stitchouts for the next 2 rows done:

 the red is showing where the machine is actually stitching

 What a difference a day makes….that same task took me 2 hours  yesterday  :~).  I sent a quick text to my friend in Washington and she did a quick check and pronounced everything fine…and I was off!  I hit several more stumbling blocks along the way, but I am proud to say I figured them all out and by 6 PM the quilting was done:  

Is this quilt perfect?   NO!  If I had to do it again, would I change some things?   YES!  Am I happy with it?  I AM!!

WHEW!!!  That is a load off of my mind…I shut everything down and headed upstairs for dinner and spent the rest of the evening in the living room, reading with my honey.  Every time he got up to do something....'someone' took his place:

Notice who's on top of the chair...Lucy stayed there the entire time Michael was reading!

In other exciting news, Arizona Mary was so taken with the thought of the library quilt, that she sent a picture of my top to her local library to ask if they would like a similar quilt….I can’t wait to hear what they say….what library wouldn’t jump at the chance?


*** The older I get, the earlier it gets late. ***

*** When I say, "The other day," I could be referring to any time between yesterday and 15 years ago. ***


1 comment:

  1. I CANNOT WAIT to see the library quilt in person!!!!! I am thrilled for you.


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