Sunday, September 20, 2020

quilting started on library quilt

  Current US COVID-19 deaths:  203,851

                  Yesterday:  203,188

Another glorious night of sleeping with the windows wide open…it was 62 degrees when we got up on Saturday (9/19).  Michael left around 7:30 AM for golf, while I spent a leisurely morning in the living room, on my kindle….sipping tea….reading emails….playing word games….it was lovely.  I knew part of my leisure was due to procrastinating about quilting the library quilt, so finally I put in some laundry and headed downstairs.  I got my blog out, and really couldn’t procrastinate any longer….I headed over to Xena.  

Even though I know I was watching the same video I watched last year to learn how to ‘mask out’ quilting from a certain area, I was doing something wrong because it wasn’t working.  When I posted on FB, someone said to give them a call and they would walk me through it…..I took a picture and posted to FB, just so that she knew what I was trying to do:

and 2-1/2 hours later I was exhausted, but finally stitching out the very first row:  

One thing I am seeing, I will have a BOATLOAD of ends to weave in when this quilt is done….there are LOTS of stops and starts with how the program is masking out the stitching.  I worked on the quilt for 7 hours (with a brief stop to visit with Paula who brought down some blond brownies for Michael) and am only about a third of the way done.  Paula asked me if I would make another one (you know, if the Del Webb library wants one after they see it in Lancaster, and I hesitated.....I'll have to really think about it!!)  I definitely have to watch this stitch out every minute....the string pieced blocks were sewn on stabelizer and the embroideries are just cotton the difference in textures is creating some peaks and valleys.  I am so lucky that a woman in Washington state was willing to spend hours helping me.  I will definitely celebrate when this quilting is done.  

Michael and I had a date night in the evening….we opened champagne (with yummy frozen strawberries to keep it cold!):

and he made popcorn and we settled in with INDIANA JONES AND THE LAST CRUSADE….Sean Connery was perfect casting as his father.....but do there ALWAYS have to be snakes in his movies  :~)?!?!?

1 comment:

  1. I'm with you on the snakes in Indiana Jones movies. I hate them, the s's. They need to give fair warning. I have noticed your Covid 19 deaths have not moved from 19 in quite a while.


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