Friday, September 11, 2020

quilting starts, AJ

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We headed out to our local Wendy’s for breakfast on Thursday (9/10)(as I would really like to support their efforts at serving breakfast), before going to LOWE’s and Southern Spirits and getting home at NOON.  

And before I forget again, I’m posting a little tip here.  Michael and I needed to buy a new battery for one of our cordless phones (it's been acting up with a LOT of crackling/static).  Have you ever had to do that?  There are about a BA-ZILLION batteries out there, and without his magnifying glass, neither one of us could read the number on the current battery.  So….I got the bright idea to take a pic: that we could then blow up to any size and read the number….SCORE!  

The battery should be delivered today.  

Anyway, I kicked off quilting on the QoV in the afternoon, and that was quite a problem.  My thread kept breaking, 3 times across the first 1/2 row…and of course I was ripping back while stretched as far away from my body as was possible, since it was the very first row at the top…and that just kills my back.  Even though I had put in a new needle for this quilt, I finally took it out (after trying a few other things to stop the thread breakage) and put in another one and voila….no more breakage….the new needle must have had a burr on it.  Once that problem was solved, I continued to quilt:

and started to sew the library blocks into rows.  I got all of the blocks sewn into rows and 4 rows done on the QoV before a late dinner of leftovers and snuggling with my honey.

And with a topic of 'my, she looks so grown up':

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