Thursday, September 10, 2020

Connie, final layout of library quilt, fabric from Corinne, MMR returns!!!

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Well, the cool weather has left us, but it was certainly wonderful while it lasted!  We were back to a regular temp and regular humidity when we got up Wednesday morning (9/9).  

Michael left at 8 AM for golf, not sure whether he would get in all 18 holes as the prediction is for intermittent showers all day.  I got my emails done and my blog out before SKYPE-ing with Janice at 9 AM.  

Connie stopped by (forgot to take a pic, so asked her to send a you get to see a tiny bit of her house):

just as Janice and I were finishing up….to pick up her glasses and bring us blueberry muffins and check out the library quilt.  

When she left, I got to sit for a bit in the living room, just relaxing and reading for a bit until the downpour started….and my honey came home after 14 holes  :~).  

I got 4 yards of backing fabric loaded up in the afternoon and got a QoV quilt loaded and basted:  

I really like the design of the quilt and definitely want to make another one.

We had leftovers yet again for dinner (yay and hooray, I haven’t cooked anything since last Wednesday…and we still have at least one more night of leftovers!!) and I played around with the layout of the library quilt after dinner.  I think I finally have it in a good arrangement, and Michael agrees:

You know, when I set that goal of having this totally completed by October 1st…that seemed very far away….but now it is less than 3 weeks away, and I still have a lot to do, so I’ve got to get moving!!  It must be sewn together....borders added, quilted and bound, and a hanging sleeve and rod.

BG sent me a quick text, so we managed to SKYPE in the evening.  She asked to see what all I got at Corinne's, so this is what I showed her:

I need some black/white print for a new pattern:

I need black/white print for a new pattern

I got this just because I loved it, I'm a sucker for leaves....

I only have about 20 inches left of my yellow and I like to have on hand for rainbow quilts, so I got this:

And I think I have at least 3 patterns to use this gorgeous swath of color:

My beloved rainbow....all in batiks!!!

And…..after a long hiatus… exciting return….

***MMR - Michael's Movie Reviews***

Bloodshot (rated R)- the latest Vin Diesel epic,set in the near future, is about super soldiers being built from the dead bodies of special ops soldiers! It seems a geneticist (Guy Pearce) has found a way to  use "nanites" or nanobots to give ordinary humans super powers. Of course he wants to sell his creations to the highest bidder. After his horrible death, Garrison (Vin Diesel) becomes a soldier but instead of being memory wiped he remembers his previous life and that causes many complications for the geneticist. Most of the film is action packed with super soldiers fighting each other as Garrison tries to thwart the evil doers! Lots of great special FX (my favorite)! There is also a kind of homage to the Terminator in some scenes.


4 out of 5 fat quarters

1 comment:

  1. Love your fabric from Corinne's !!! Cant wait to go again someday...


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