Sunday, January 21, 2018

Elsie & Cookie, convergence center done

Golf was delayed here at SCCL on Satuday (1/20) to a shot gun start at NOON, so my honey made me a smurfy toast/swiss cheese/spinach/egg breakfast to fortify me for the day  :~):  

I made a few tweaks to my long arm (changed the needle and re-threaded the top and bobbin) and kicked it off.  I was still getting a few loops, but less than before, so I re-threaded again, but put my thread through an extra loop at the beginning of threading to put just a bit more tension on the top thread, and that seemed to fix the problem  :~).  

It amazes me how much more sensitive the long arm is than my regular sewing machine.  I kept on quilting, but in the meantime I also made the second cuts on my convergence quilt and lined up my strips to be sewn together again:  

I took a break before NOON and headed out for deliveries within SCCL…books to Jan…donations for FMCP auction: 

a gorgeous shawl

yes, one of my totes

you saw these already, embroidered Valentine's cards
and labels to Mary Ann, before continuing on with my quilting.  When I went upstairs around 2 PM to get a little nosh….snuggling was in progress:  

I had the last of my chicken salad and headed back downstairs.  By the time Michael came home from golf in the late afternoon, my quilting was done: 

and the center of my convergence was done as well.  

When I went up to greet Michael, MORE snuggling was happening:

The temperature was so warm that we sat out on the lanair for an hour or so talking before dinner.  I sewed for an hour after dinner and then got another 64 HST trimmed and ironed while watching TV.

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