Saturday, January 6, 2018

4 patch frenzy keeps going...

BTW – I’m not sure who left the comment about the movie reviews, but I’m glad you like them…he’ll keep them coming  :~).

We were sans heat again on Friday morning (1/5), the frigid spell this entire week is playing havoc with our furnace!  Michael got the heat going upstairs before he left to run a bunch of errands.  The bad news is, something went wrong with the downstairs furnace as well  :~(.  So, I put on another jacket (it was 59 degrees!!) and kept on sewing.  Yesterday you watched the wall fill up…now you can watch it start to get empty:

I had to stop around 2 PM as the furnace people came to further insulate the pipe that drains the water from our furnace.  As soon as they left I headed over to Jan’s.  Several rooms in her basement are still full of Walt’s art stuff and I had asked her if she wanted to consider donating it to Clinton School.  That got an enthusiastic yes, so yesterday 2 teachers came over to assess what was there.  It’s going to be a large undertaking, but they are going to round up some other teachers and boxes and hopefully vans and we will all get it done.  Michael went to the movies after his errands and saw DARKEST HOUR, about the rise of Winston Churchill to become Prime Minister.  It was superbly acted by Gary Oldman in the lead role (think Oscar, Oscar, Oscar) and was ful of political intrigue because no one really wanted Churchill as PM, but he slowly won over everyone.  The movie covers about a 3 week timeframe including DUNKIRK.  Michael was very disappointed in the movie DUNKIRK as there were no ‘notes’ on the screen afterwards talking about what the ultimate outcome was.  Apparently this was remedied in DARKEST HOUR.  Michael’s rating is 4-1/2 fat quarters out of 5.  He was full of popcorn when he got home, so he had a salad for dinner while I had yummy homemade chicken noodle soup, brought over by our neighbors Ann Mary & Jim.  I read my book after that, then watched just a bit of TV before bed.

1 comment:

  1. So sorry about your furnace but you are cold blooded anyway. I've had to wear shoes to see as my floor is to cold for stocking feet.
    Also like the movie reviews. Sounds like Darkest Hour would be a good one to go see as I am not an avid movie goer and do not want to waste my time going to a movie I won't like. Keep them coming.


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