Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Sweet & Savory meeting, Machine Embroidery meeting

It was only 32 degrees when my honey left for golfing on Monday (11/20)…brr_r_r!!  I ran around pulling stuff together for my 2 meetings before heading off with my first set of stuff for Sweet & Savory.  All of our presentations went off without a hitch:  

Mary Ann




the table decor was lovely:

and the food was yummy:   

an extra surprise candy from Mary Ann

Linda's artichoke dip

chorizo sausage puffs and cheese biscuits with tomato/bacon jam

my cherry pie bars

We heard a lot of compliments from the guests about how much fun it was and how good the food was, so that is always great!  I came home and took the dog out before packing up for the afternoon Machine Embroidery meeting and took off once again.  We had a guest speaker 

who showed us an in-the-hoop project of a small zippered pouch: 

and as always, there was lots of great show and tell:  

Pat W




When I got home around 4 PM, I was beat, so I just sat and read my book after talking with my honey for a bit.  He scored an 88 on the golf course and seemed pleased with how things went.  He had spaghetti and sauce for dinner and I couldn’t stop eating the artichoke dip that Linda sent home with me after S&S.  I worked in the studio while Michael was at rehearsal and finally finished the inside of the new Clinton quilt.  Several people really seemed to like the pattern on my latest quilts of valor, so I decided to use the same layout again:  

All it needs are borders to complete it.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness, that same pattern looks completely different in the new colors. It looks really cute.


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