Sunday, November 26, 2017

flower garden finished, roses

I have said it before and I’ll say it again…Thanksgiving has been my favorite holiday ever since I moved to Connecticut!!!  It may have been my favorite before then, but moving to Connecticut is when I realized it…and this year is no exception.  My honey got up early Saturday (11/26) for golfing (coming home in the late afternoon with the exact same score as 88), and I got up reveling in the knowledge that it was yet another day when I could do whatever I wanted  :~).  It was another all day in the studio day…..both of the first customer quilts are totally finished…..labels and binding and everything else.  Flower Garden was the second very pretty quilt and here it is:  

Also, I only have 5 more rows left of quilting on Sandy’s F’s quilt!  When my honey got home from golf, he cut 2 more spectacular roses and brought one to me...

one from each bush we have...we keep thinking each one will be the last:

It was a fabulous sewing and quilting day and with leftover Chinese yet again for dinner…I didn’t have to worry about cooking at all.  I’ve been thinking about my New Year’s goals for 2018 and I hope to settle on ‘the year of organization’.  To that end I decided there wasn’t anything wrong with getting a jump on things.  I have a small table near Miss Scarlett that is supposed to be a staging area for my long arm…for bobbins and tools and needles and such, but it always manages to get loaded up with other things.  So, I spent a bit of time taking it from this:  

to this:  

Of course that was the easy part…the hard part will be keeping it that way….but that’s what I’m going to work on.  

1 comment:

  1. Kudos on your organizing theme. Your table looks great. But I think you need something to put those empty bobbins in. The first bump and they would be all over the floor. I know you do not like to get down on your hands and knees to fetch bobbins from under the couch.


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