Wednesday, November 22, 2017

new Clinton top done

Michael left for breakfast with his buds on Tuesday morning (11/21), then he called me to say they were all going bowling  :~).  I headed to my studio, so happy about the fact that this was going to be a full week of quilting/sewing!!!  I spent the entire day in my studio and it was FABULOUS!!!  

Michael got home in the early afternoon, with not much time left to relax, head out to get us Chinese food for dinner (and coincidentally run into a quilting friend of mine, Linda M), then leave for rehearsal.  By the time he got home, I had finished the quilting on the second customer quilt: 

and also had all of the borders done on the new Clinton quilt:  

After that we snuggled on the couch and stayed up way too late watching TV :~).

I did want to include one more picture of the yummy cocnut cookies Mary Jo made a couple of days ago:

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