Sunday, November 5, 2017

Cooper & Jan, pillow cases

My honey left before 8 AM on Saturday for golf (11/4), and I got my blog out and then started to read my emails.  I get emails from a machine embroidery place called Urban Threads.  I saw something on one of their emails that was just beautiful, so I went to the website to look at it.  OMword…I found 4 designs I absolutely fell in love with.  I zipped off a quick email to Pat W saying “help!!!  I’m on Urban Threads contemplating buying designs that I don’t need”.  Within seconds my phone rings and she says ‘‘what do they look like…will I like them???”  She was NO HELP AT ALL :~)!!!!  We each ended up buying 4 designs apiece and talking and laughing about it for 1/2 an hour…it was a great start to the morning. 

When I finally got off the phone, I fired up Miss Scarlett…. determined to finish the quilting on Paula’s second quilt.  And by 12:30 I was done and had also completed another label for her in different colored thread:

headed upstairs then to get a start on dinner, but as I walked into the kitchen the phone rang…and it was our guest begging off.  Tom had a tooth pulled on Friday and is not recovering as quickly as he had hoped….so I headed right back downstairs to keep quilting  :~).  We had 2 visitors in the afternoon:  

Cooper & Cookies


and after that I spent most of the time on pillowcases.  Since I still had all of my fabric handy and my serger set up, I made 2 pillow cases to go with Vortex once it is finally finished:  

Speaking of Vortex (aka Time Travel), Arizona Mary has started hers and I LOVE it:

Then I got 2 more pillow cases done:

to go with this quilt:  

and 2 more:

to go with this quilt:  

Both of these quilts will be going to Beds = Dreams this Thursday….I am a little sad to see them go…especially the bargello like rainbow one….but I can always make another….right?  

Michael and I headed to Fort Mill Playhouse at 7 PM to see “I DO, I DO”….it was SO FUNNY!!  We laughed and laughed…the acting/singing/everything was just excellent.  When we got home, we poured something to drink, lit the candles and enjoyed the lanair for an hour before was SO very peaceful and quiet.

1 comment:

  1. I just realized the Vortez is a block that is 2 half square triangles and 2 four patches -- what an incredibly easy block that is so dramatic looking! Love it!


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