Sunday, November 19, 2017

new triangles, AJ at 8 months

We were both up early Saturday (11/18), Michael to head out for a 9:10 tee off time, and me to get a lot done.   I got my emails read and blog out before heading off to Pat W’s house to work on Christmas presents.  On my way home, I saw the Tailgator’s were parked on a street corner trying to drum up new members, so I grabbed 2 hot dogs, chatted for quite a bit with Jim M (he was on the recent lifestyle committee) and headed on home.  By then it was almost 2 PM and I had to clean my long arm machine, something that has to be done regularly and takes about an hour.  After that I got a bit of sewing done….I made the second set of 1/2 square triangles and started to sew my rows together:  

Michael and I left at 6:15 to work concessions at Fort Mill, and when we got home at 9:30 we watched an hour of TV before stumbling tiredly off to bed  :~).

Here’s the 8th month picture of our adorable AJ:

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